Access Tech home page (Matt Giraud, Creative Director, Developer, Gyroscope Creative)

Access Tech

Access Tech is an approachable, seasoned group of IT professionals who needed to stand out in a field crowded with big players and a lot of buzzwords. SD-WAN SECaaS, anyone?

So I recommended they make a virtue of their size: instead of getting lost in a large, anonymous firm more focused on big fish, Access Tech clients enjoy hands-on counsel tailored to their specific business objectives and needs. As a result, clients get exactly what they need (and nothing they don’t).

But I also noticed something even more distinctive in their industry: I could understand what they were saying! That core philosophy, to act as guides and translators to bridge the gap between what clients know they need and the acronyms and buzzwords everywhere in the industry, felt essential to their brand. 

In other words, I proposed, they literally connect business strategy with IT solutions.

Work for Access Tech began with a revitalized mark and identity system, with its first major implementation in a new website. To stand out in an industry whose only visual language seems to be royalty-free images of models in conference rooms smiling at screens, I proposed we simply tell it like it is, in plain language with crisp graphics.

Next, creating paper handouts and brochures for a product that was entirely digital seemed, well, off brand at the very least (that we launched during COVID made handing someone paper even more impractical). So I developed a modular, animated digital brochure they could easily customize for each client presentation: they simply send a customized URL, visually interesting to view, and easy to pass on.

  • Brand strategy
  • Creative
  • Messaging
  • User experience
  • User interface
  • Development
  • Animation
  • Social media strategy