
For the first time in decades, the Oregon Zoo’s signature winter festival – Zoolights – would open its doors without the attraction that for many Portlanders virtually defined the event: the Zoolights Train, offline because of an extensive remodel of the Zoo grounds.

So the Zoo faced a daunting challenge (to put it mildly): how do you get people to come to an event without that event’s signature draw?

As the Creative Director, I proposed the solution was getting people to rediscover what makes the event amazing in the first place: sharing a stroll through a stunning universe of light with friends and family during the holidays. And maybe letting your imagination run a little wild… as the star of our spot does in “If I Made a Zoo.”

In addition to scripting and directing the spot, the project also included a new logo for the event, a suite of print and digital ads, and a MAX wrap. And maybe best of all, shooting the spot in the Zoo after hours, just our crew and the animals.

If I made a Zoo…
I’d have penguins that fly!
and swans that swim the sky
a hippo with the brightest smile
and dinosaurs that glow for miles
If I wish with all my might
It will all come true… tonight!